Sunday 2 August 2015

^  flax curtain  ^
^ Jesse sharpening a stick with a sharp rock ^
^ Side flax wall ^
                                          ^  How we tie the flax   ^                                                
At lunch time Josh & Jesse built a hut out of what was is the forest.
We also found a little group of new entrance girls that,funnily enough 
were coping us they even had a flax knot practicing tree
and we took that as a complement.
we are still building,the hut is still in and  using lots of sticks for strength. 
This is how we cut flax. 

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Room 9: Choir Song List

Room 9: Choir Song List

Go to for lyrics for songs.  Click on 'Schools' and you can download the pdf of lyrics.  See you Tuesday Week 1!

Choir Song List

Thursday 2 July 2015

Meet the Room 9 Mascot Mr. Twank

Meet Mr. Twank.  He was discovered when Mrs Culver was choosing a piece of wood from the bin for the fire.  She held him up and said, "Oh  my goodness!  Look at this...he's waving at us."  We think he might be a bear, a mole, a dog or a sloth.  Whatever he is, we love him.  We just couldn't put him in the fire.  Welcome to Room 9 Mr. Twank!

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Maths Whizz certificates - Well done Grace!

New creations in Oakura School

In Oakura school we've been building lots of new exiting things for kids to play and to run through.

The first and oldest one of the new buildings at Oakura School is the koru landing. It's cool because it's got fake grass and lots of seats to sit on to eat your lunch on and it has a big concrete and paua shell shaped like koru. It looks amazing.

After that we built the enviro centre. Funny because it used to be over grown grass and weeds. Now it looks bright and beautiful. It has a viewing platform and it has a mini maze of paths and there's lots of the colour green. I think it looked amazing.

Now for my final new part in Oakura School,my personal favourite is a small piece of bush and a big rock statue. It has stepping stones and bright green fake grass. It’s also a remembrance to a teacher called Tanya. It’s an epic place to play.
Written by Isaac

Miss Bain Is Leaving! Welcome Mrs Colver!

Miss Bain Is Leaving!

Miss Bain is leaving because she is going to have a baby boy. So she will hopefully come back term, 2 2016.
We can give her suggestions on the name of the baby. She doesn't want the baby's names to be the name of any of students she's taught. In the meantime room 9 have a new teacher Mrs Colver. Miss Bain has been a wonderful teacher. So if you a reading this Miss Bain give yourself a pat on the back.

Written by James

My teacher Miss Bain is leaving Oakura school because she is having a baby. It is going to be a boy and my idea to what its name is going to be is Nico. My favourite musician is called Nico. I hope she comes back next year but I can’t wait for my new teacher Miss Colver.

Written by Ed Shearer

Since Miss Bain is leaving room 9 Mrs Colver is coming! We’re sad Miss Bain is leaving but super excited about spending the rest of the year with Mrs Colver. Megan Colver comes from Dunedin, New Zealand but spent a lot of time in America with her kids.She is big on being gentle and kind and loves lending a helping hand. Her favourite subject is reading and she loves taking her dogs for walks and skyping her family in America. Mrs Colver is so excited for term 2, 3 and 4 with us and can’t wait to get to know room 9 better.

Written by Lily