Monday, 30 June 2014

Buddy Plastic Bottle Creations

For our buddy session with Room 4 this week, we created flowers and snowflakes from plastic bottles. The snowflakes will be used at our school disco next term.

Plastic Bottle Flowers:
1. Using scissors, carefully cut around the bottle (10-15cm from the lid).
2. Using the scissors, carefully cut into the middle (lid part) 8 times.
3. Bend the plastic petals so that they are at a right angle to the lid.
4. Round off the ends of all the petals using scissors.
5. Using a vivid, put your initials on the inside of the lid or on one of the petals.
6. Paint one side of the petals.
7. Leave to dry.

Plastic Snowflake:
1. Using scissors, carefully cut around the bottle (5cm from the bottom).
2. Use a hole puncher to make a in the plastic.
3. Put a piece of string (about 15cm long) through the hole and tie a knot in it.
4. Paint or draw (with a vivid) a snowflake design on the outside of the bottle.
5. Leave to dry.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool I'll give them a go