Thursday 16 October 2014

Sunflower buddy planting - Room 9 and 4


On Friday Rm 9 & 4 planted sunflowers! We went to the nursery with our buddies in groups of 5. First the room 9 students put a rubber glove on one hand and scooped up soil into both pots. Then the room 9 student poked a hole in the soil with their rubber glove hand and the room 4 buddy chose 2 seeds and put them in the holes and covered them up. After that we wrote our names on the tape and stuck it on our pot and placed them outside room nine. We had an awesome time planting our sun flowers and can't wait to see them grow! Thank you to Willow, Violette and her family for donating the sunflower seeds.

Written by OLIVIA (room 9) and ARIANA (room 4)
Photos by Belle Evans and Carter Rewiti (room 9)

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