Wednesday 19 November 2014

AWE Swim safety - 20.11.14

AWE Swim Safety
Over the past few days Room 9 have been going to the aquatic centre doing the AWE swim safety program. We have been learning how to save people without endangering ourselves, learning how to pull someone onto a lifeboat, how to jump safely into the water (safety jump) and doing normal swimming strokes. The lessons have been very fun and could be useful in the future.
Photos taken by Miss Bain.
Written by Jack.
AWE Swimming
Since the 18th of November until the 21st of November we have been going to the aquatic center to learn about swimming. We have practiced floating , safety diving into the pool , freestyle , backstroke and life saving. It has been so fun and on the 21st we will be having a exam to see how much we have improved!
Written by Alex

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