Sunday, 1 March 2015

Life Education - Brainy Bunch

On Monday and Wednesday R9 went to visit Harold. On the Monday we went to learn about the body. It was really cool, we learnt about the all of the main organs and how they work. On the Wednesday we learnt about stress and stress busters. Surprisingly, screaming into a pillow works AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Thank you Mark and Harold for teaching us amazing things.
Written by Lewis.

Life Education is a fun healthy way of teaching kids about life in general including the human body ,ways of relieving stress etc. Life ed recently visited Oakura school; Room 9 took part in the life ed program and learnt heaps.We looked at the human body and what it needs to stay healthy on Monday. On Wednesday we learnt how to handle stress and how the brain works.We all enjoyed seeing Harold the giraffe and his jokes were very funny. We can’t wait till life education visits next time.
Written by Lily.

Life Education
On Monday afternoon room 9 went to see Harold the friendly and awesome giraffe. About 15 minutes earlier we saw Tam. Tam is a doll that shows the inside of your body. After that we had to make a human puzzle out of things that we need to have to survive. It was really great meeting them Mark Harold!!
Written by Caden.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done